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Kamala *PISSED* as she gets roasted by Trump at Al Smith dinner

In last night's political spectacle, Kamala Harris faced yet another public relations disaster, this time by being a notable absentee at the annual Al Smith Dinner, an important event in U.S. political and charitable circles. What baffled many was not just her absence, but the lack of any clear explanation as to why she chose to skip the event altogether. Political insiders and observers were left scratching their heads, wondering why she passed up an opportunity to not only engage with influential figures from both sides of the aisle but also to showcase her sense of humor—a staple of the event, which has been attended by political heavyweights for decades. 

Kamala *PISSED* as she gets roasted by Trump at Al Smith dinner

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Instead, it was Donald Trump who took the stage, delivering a series of light-hearted jabs, including a few aimed directly at Harris. In what is now typical Trump fashion, his roasting performance was sharp, humorous, and, as expected, included references to the policies and personal lives of those not present to defend themselves. Notably, he made remarks that poked fun at Harris's husband, and despite the biting tone, it was clear that he came prepared to entertain. Trump's speech, which many expected to include a sharp critique of his political rivals, instead remained largely comedic, focusing on the absurdities of modern politics. 

Harris’s camp, however, took a different approach to the situation. Instead of attending the dinner to respond to Trump’s quips in person, she released a pre-recorded video. To the surprise of many, this video was seen as confusing, disjointed, and widely considered tone-deaf. In it, Harris seems to mock certain Catholic traditions, which is particularly odd considering the event she missed is a prominent Catholic charity gala. The video did not land well with viewers, many of whom saw it as an insult to Catholics and a glaring misstep in terms of public relations. Even some of her supporters found it difficult to defend the video, which seemed to come across as awkward and ill-conceived.

The timing and content of the video, which included a skit involving an exaggerated Catholic character making inappropriate jokes, only added fuel to the fire. Political commentators quickly pounced on the opportunity to criticize the Vice President. Her detractors pointed out that the video seemed to lack the self-awareness or comedic touch that is usually associated with the Al Smith Dinner. Where Trump had gone in person, poked fun at himself and others, and navigated the evening with humor and wit, Harris had taken a route that alienated a significant portion of the audience.

An unnamed White House official was quoted as saying that the aftermath of the dinner "felt like a bad hangover," with Harris reportedly avoiding the event entirely out of fear of being mocked or embarrassed. The official added that Harris had initially attempted to watch Trump’s speech the following morning but stopped partway through, unable to continue after hearing one of the jokes aimed at her husband. This reluctance to confront Trump's humor head-on only solidified the narrative that Harris missed a golden opportunity to show resilience and perhaps even win over critics with humor and grace.

Many are asking why Harris did not attend the dinner, especially considering how integral such events are for political figures in the U.S. Missing the Al Smith Dinner, which every sitting Vice President and major political figure has attended for decades, makes her absence stand out even more. Her critics, including those from within her own party, have raised concerns about her ability to engage in such settings, where humor, wit, and resilience are essential. It was suggested that perhaps Harris doesn’t thrive in these kinds of environments, or that she feels uncomfortable with the casual roasting that is part of the tradition. However, this is what makes the event so humanizing and relatable for politicians. It provides them with the chance to engage in a less formal setting, showing voters that they are capable of laughing at themselves and the absurdities of politics.

Given Harris's absence and her team's decision to release the video, many political commentators pointed out that Harris had missed an important chance to counter Trump’s jokes in person. This would have allowed her to engage with the audience and perhaps even win some points by showing that she could take a joke and dish one out in return. Instead, she remained absent and let the narrative be dictated by Trump’s performance.

During the event, Trump’s jokes, particularly those about walls and immigration, were well received by the audience. He made fun of the Democrats’ obsession with Trump’s re-election being a threat to democracy, claiming that the party was so concerned they staged a coup to install Harris as Vice President. Trump went on to joke about Harris’s role in the administration, sarcastically claiming that all of her dreams had come true with her current position. The crowd’s reaction to Trump’s humor was overwhelmingly positive, and his ability to keep the audience engaged stood in stark contrast to the awkwardness of Harris’s video.

What baffled many was that Harris's video seemed out of touch with the nature of the event and the audience. One skit involved her pretending to prepare for the dinner and receiving unsolicited advice from an overly enthusiastic Catholic woman. The humor fell flat, with critics accusing the video of mocking Catholic traditions and missing the mark entirely. The entire premise felt disjointed, and Harris’s delivery seemed forced and awkward, particularly when compared to Trump’s natural ease in such settings.

As the fallout from the dinner continues, political pundits have begun to speculate on what this means for Harris’s future. Her decision to skip the dinner and release a controversial video instead is seen as a strategic misstep that could hurt her public image. For a politician whose approval ratings have already been underwhelming, this incident only adds to the list of miscalculations.

Meanwhile, Trump continued to capitalize on Harris’s absence, using it as a point of attack throughout the evening. His jokes about the event, about Harris’s campaign, and about the Democratic Party’s recent struggles were delivered with a mix of humor and sharp criticism. At one point, he joked about Harris’s husband, saying that Harris should be careful to keep him away from the nannies—a joke that played on previous controversies surrounding Harris’s family. Trump’s performance, while harsh at times, was ultimately seen as effective in drawing laughs and making his points in a way that resonated with the audience.

The criticism of Harris’s video and her absence has been particularly harsh from Catholic communities, many of whom felt insulted by the tone and content of the skit. Religious leaders and commentators have weighed in, expressing disappointment in Harris’s decision to make light of Catholic traditions in such a public way. For a politician who has faced questions about her ability to connect with voters on a personal level, this incident does little to alleviate those concerns.

The question now is how Harris’s team will respond to the backlash. Will they attempt to spin the narrative in her favor, or will they acknowledge that the video was a misstep? Political insiders suggest that Harris’s team may need to reassess their approach to public appearances and media strategy if they hope to avoid similar incidents in the future. Missing the Al Smith Dinner and releasing a poorly received video only serves to reinforce the notion that Harris struggles in unscripted or informal settings—something that her critics have pointed out repeatedly.

In conclusion, last night’s Al Smith Dinner was a significant moment in the ongoing political theater of the 2024 election. While Donald Trump made the most of the opportunity to showcase his humor and resilience, Kamala Harris’s absence and the ill-advised video released in its place only served to further damage her already fragile public image. The coming days will likely see more commentary on this incident, and it remains to be seen how Harris and her team will recover from this latest PR disaster.

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