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15 Days Out: North Carolina and Georgia Update! 2024 US Presidential Election Trump vs Harris

Today marks a significant moment in our journey toward the 2024 election. We are officially 15 days away—just 15 days until the moment of decision. It’s time for all of us to make a choice, to stand up, take a stance, and act in the best interest of our country and its future. You may be feeling the weight of the moment, but the reality is that this election isn’t just about voting for a candidate. It’s about the legacy we leave for future generations. It’s about standing on the right side of history.

15 Days Out: North Carolina and Georgia Update! 2024 US Presidential Election Trump vs Harris

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So, what are you going to do? Who are you going to vote for? I think we all know the answer, don’t we? Let’s be real for a second. You’re going to vote for Harris, right? Oh, come on! You can’t seriously be considering casting your vote for Donald Trump, can you? I have to ask—why would you do that? Why would you vote for Donald Trump? Let's break this down and ask the real, hard questions because we’ve got to get to the bottom of this before it’s too late.

Have you actually listened to what Trump has been saying lately? I’m not asking if you’ve watched him on television or heard him speak at a rally—I’m asking if you’ve sat down and read his transcripts. Read them. Seriously. I challenge you to do it. You’ll find it’s some of the most nonsensical, incoherent stuff you’ll ever encounter. He says things that are so off the wall, it’s like you’re reading a random collection of words thrown together without rhyme or reason.

Take, for instance, some of the recent things he’s said in interviews. Read the question he’s asked, then read his response. Don’t just listen to his delivery—because we all know Trump loves to spin things with his theatrics—just read it. It’s baffling. You’ll find yourself thinking, “What did I just read?” It’s almost as if the man is rambling, unable to stick to a coherent train of thought. It’s like JBL nonsense—just words piled on top of words that don’t mean anything.

But it’s not just the nonsense that bothers me. It’s the underlying message in what Trump says. The racism is blatant, and it’s beyond anything we can even sugarcoat at this point. We have to face the facts: his racism, his divisiveness, and his lack of moral leadership are tearing this country apart. We’re not just talking about dog whistles here—we’re talking about blatant, out-in-the-open racism.

And let’s talk about Trump himself for a moment. The man looks out of place. He’s physically unfit, mentally unfocused, and clearly unprepared to hold the highest office in the land. Just the other day, he was on stage, and his mic cut out. What did he do? He wandered around for 20 minutes, looking dazed and confused. He looked like he didn’t know where he was or what he was supposed to be doing. He was just wandering around, lost in his own thoughts, while the audience sat there wondering what was going on.

Is this the man you want to lead the United States? Is this the man you trust with the future of our nation? An old, out-of-touch man who’s wandering around aimlessly, unable to articulate a coherent thought? Think about it—this is the same man who once suggested injecting disinfectant to cure COVID. Are we really going to give him another four years in office?

Now, let’s compare that to Kamala Harris. Over the past few weeks, I’ve watched Harris closely. I’ve seen her energy, her commitment, and her policy plans. She’s a leader who’s actively molding herself into the role, ready to take on the challenges of being president full-time. She’s not waiting around for someone else to do the job—she’s stepping up and showing that she’s ready to lead from day one.

And you know what? That’s exactly what we need. We need someone in the White House who’s going to be there every single day, addressing the real problems this country is facing. We don’t need someone who’s going to be off playing golf half the time, phoning in the job from a golf course somewhere. We need a leader who is 100% committed to the role and the responsibilities that come with it.

With Trump, we know what’s going to happen. He’ll be a part-time president at best, spending more time on the golf course than in the Oval Office. We all saw how that played out during his first term. And you know what? There’s no way Trump is going to make it through a full four-year term. You can’t convince me otherwise. It’s not going to happen.

Let’s be real about this. What the Republicans are trying to do here is obvious—they’re setting the stage for JD Vance. Trump is just a Trojan horse. The plan is simple: Trump wins the election, then after a year or two, he steps down. JD Vance takes over, pardons Trump for all his crimes, and now JD Vance is the president of the United States.

This isn’t some wild conspiracy theory. This is exactly what’s going on, and if you think anything else is happening, you’re fooling yourself. The Republicans know Trump can’t last another four years, and they’re using him to get their guy, JD Vance, into the White House. Once Trump steps down, Vance will come in, thank Trump for his “service,” and give him a full pardon. It’s all part of the plan.

Now, let’s talk about the policies. Trump has repeatedly made it clear that he wants to dismantle key institutions that make this country what it is. He’s talked about getting rid of the Department of Justice, the Department of Education, and even the IRS. His attitude toward governing is reckless. He’s not just threatening to shake up the system—he’s threatening to tear it apart entirely.

How can anyone support a candidate who talks about gutting the very foundations of our government? Do we really want a president who’s going to eliminate the systems that keep our country running smoothly? And for what? So the rich can stop paying taxes? So we can eliminate public education? Trump’s vision for America is one of chaos and destruction. He’s not interested in building a better future—he’s interested in tearing everything down.

I have to be honest with you: if you’re still supporting Donald Trump at this point, I have to wonder why. What is it that makes you think he’s the right choice? Is it because you agree with his incoherent ramblings? Is it because you think his vision for America—one where key government institutions are dismantled—is a good idea? Or is it because you’ve bought into the idea that Trump is some kind of outsider who’s going to “drain the swamp”?

The truth is, there are only two reasons why someone would vote for Donald Trump today. You’re either uninformed, or you’re okay with racism. It’s one or the other. Because there’s no way you can look at what Trump says, what he stands for, and what he’s done, and still think he’s the best option for president unless you’re willfully ignoring the facts or you’re okay with the kind of divisive, racist rhetoric he spews on a daily basis.

Let’s move on to the next topic—early voting. We’re seeing a massive shift in the voter demographic this year, and it’s exciting. Who’s showing up to the polls early? Young people and women. And you know what happens when young people and women show up to vote, right? They vote blue.

In states like Georgia and North Carolina, we’re seeing tens of thousands of new voters stepping up, and guess who they are? Young people. This is huge because, for years, the narrative has been that young people don’t vote. But that’s changing. Young people today understand what’s at stake. They don’t want to see another 80-year-old man in the White House. They’ve seen what happens when you elect someone like Joe Biden, who—let’s face it—is a decent guy but far too old to be president. And now, they’re looking at Donald Trump, another 80-year-old, and they’re saying, “No, thank you.”

Women are also turning out in huge numbers, and we know exactly why. The Republican Party’s stance on abortion has alienated a significant portion of the female electorate. You can’t win an election if your platform is built around telling women what they can and can’t do with their bodies. Women are tired of being told by the government how to live their lives, especially by a party that claims to want less government interference in people’s lives.

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