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Hola amigos bienvenidos nuevamente a mi canal 

Muchas gracias por sintonizarnos una vez más para ver esta actualización tan importante. Espero que se encuentre bien. Como siempre, estoy encantada de estar aquí para brindarles las últimas noticias sobre los programas de asistencia social que afectan a los adultos mayores, las madres trabajadoras y las personas con discapacidades.

Hoy les comparto información sobre el último pago de la administración de nuestro querido presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador. Sí, así es, este es el último pago de su gobierno, y sé que muchos de ustedes han estado esperando este anuncio. Se trata de un pago de 6 mil pesos para adultos mayores, y marca el final de una era, ya que el presidente López Obrador deja el cargo después de una presidencia larga e impactante. Bajo su liderazgo, programas sociales como estos han crecido significativamente, brindando un mayor apoyo financiero a quienes más lo necesitan. No olvidemos que el monto que reciben hoy los adultos mayores es gracias a un aumento del 25% que se ha aplicado desde 2022.

Pero este gran logro no hubiera sido posible sin el trabajo duro de otra figura clave, alguien que ha sido fundamental para que estos programas fueran un éxito: Ariadna Montiel Reyes, quien se desempeña como Secretaria de Bienestar desde 2022 y trabaja en estrecha colaboración con el presidente López Obrador para garantizar que la pensión de asistencia social para las personas mayores de 65 años recibiera ese generoso aumento del 25%, que estamos celebrando hoy.

Sé que muchos de ustedes se preguntan qué les depara el futuro a estos pagos. Bueno, déjenme decirles que las perspectivas son prometedoras. De cara a enero de 2025, esperamos otro aumento, aunque el porcentaje exacto aún no se ha confirmado. El posible aumento podría oscilar entre el 6% y el 25%, lo que significa que los adultos mayores podrían ver entre 1,000 y 1,500 pesos adicionales en sus pagos. Como mínimo, los adultos mayores pueden contar con un aumento mínimo de 360 pesos. 

¿Qué opinas de este próximo aumento? ¿De cuánto te gustaría que fuera? ¡Cuéntamelo en los comentarios! ¿Debería ser un aumento del 6%, del 7% o incluso del 25%? Comparte tus opiniones conmigo para que podamos difundir el mensaje y, ¿quién sabe? ¡Tus comentarios podrían incluso llegar al presidente López Obrador antes de que deje el cargo a fines de septiembre! Y si eso sucede, podría hacer una recomendación a la presidenta recién electa, Claudia Sheinbaum, para garantizar que las personas mayores reciban otro aumento significativo.

Ahora, hablemos de este último pago bajo la administración del presidente López Obrador.  
This payment will be made between now and September 21st, which marks the conclusion of the current government’s operation. President López Obrador will formally step down on September 30th, and starting on October 1st, we will officially welcome President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum to office. I know many of you have questions about what comes next, but let me assure you, the programs we all rely on will continue, and even improve, under the new leadership.

Now, speaking of leadership, I can’t forget to mention our Secretary of Welfare, Ariadna Montiel Reyes. She will continue to serve in her role alongside Claudia Sheinbaum, and together, they are committed to expanding and improving these critical welfare programs. One of the exciting new plans they have announced is a program specifically designed for younger seniors — those who are between the ages of 60 and 64. 

This new initiative will allow individuals aged 60, 61, 62, 63, and 64 to receive a portion of the payment that those over 65 currently receive. For example, if seniors over 65 are receiving 6,000 pesos, then those under 65 will receive 3,000 pesos. And if there’s an increase to 6,500 pesos, those younger seniors will see their amount rise to 3,250 pesos. This is great news, and it shows that the new administration is thinking ahead and planning to include more people in these vital programs.

What do you think about this new initiative?  
Do you think it’s a good idea to extend these benefits to those aged 60 to 64? Would you like to see even more support for this group? Let me know in the comments!

Now, before I move on to the next topic, let me remind you: If you haven't already subscribed to this channel, now is the time to do it!  
Make sure to hit the bell icon and turn on all notifications so that you never miss an update about these critical social programs. We cover all the latest news about welfare payments, increases, and any changes under the leadership of President-elect Sheinbaum and Secretary Montiel Reyes. By subscribing, you’ll be the first to know about any changes that could impact you or your loved ones.

Now, let’s talk about the payment calendar for this final round of payments under President López Obrador’s government.  
This last round of payments will continue to be delivered alphabetically by last name, and the payments will be available at the Banco del Bienestar. The schedule is as follows:

- For September 10th, those with last names starting with H, I, J, and K will receive their payments.
- On September 11th, it's the turn of those with last names starting with L.
- For September 12th, last names beginning with M will receive their payments.
- On September 13th, payments will be distributed to those whose last names begin with N, Ñ, O, P, and Q.
- And on September 14th, last names starting with R will receive their payments.

Please make sure to go to the Banco del Bienestar between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM, Monday through Saturday, to collect your payments. If you’ve already received your payment, please leave a comment below so that others know the system is working and that President López Obrador is fulfilling his promises. And if you haven’t received your payment yet, please leave the first letter of your last name in the comments, and I will gladly let you know when you can expect to receive your payment.

Now, let’s talk about another exciting benefit that’s being released this month. On September 28th, a payment of 7,572 pesos will be delivered to those participating in the Jóvenes Construyendo el Futuro program. This monthly payment applies to young people between the ages of 18 and 29 who are part of this important initiative, which provides job training and support to help them build a brighter future.

Additionally, for working mothers who are part of the Mujeres con Bienestar program, your next payment will be 2,500 pesos. This will also be distributed in September, so be sure to keep an eye on the payment schedule if you are in the State of Mexico, as this payment applies specifically to that region for now.

It’s incredible to see how many different programs are in place to support the people of Mexico.  
From senior citizens to young adults, from working mothers to individuals with disabilities, the government has worked hard to provide meaningful financial assistance. And even though President López Obrador’s time in office is coming to an end, his legacy will live on through these programs. Secretary Montiel Reyes and President-elect Sheinbaum are committed to carrying this legacy forward and building on it in the years to come.

Now, as I mentioned earlier, payments will continue to be distributed alphabetically, and here’s a quick reminder of the upcoming payment dates:

- September 18th: Those with last names starting with R will receive their payments.
- September 19th: Last names beginning with S will be processed.
- September 20th: Those with last names starting with T will receive their payments.
- September 21st: Last names starting with U, V, W, X, Y, and Z will receive their payments.

If you’re unsure about when or where to collect your payment, be sure to check the directory at your local Banco del Bienestar branch. It’s important to stay informed so that you can collect your support on time.

Looking ahead to November, I want to make sure you’re aware of another critical payment. In early November, seniors will receive the first payment under President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum’s administration. This payment will also be 6,000 pesos, and it will be delivered during the first or second week of the month.

Ahora es el momento de hablar sobre un nuevo y emocionante programa para personas con discapacidades. La presidenta electa Sheinbaum y el secretario Montiel Reyes están trabajando juntos para crear un programa que brindará apoyo adicional a las personas con discapacidades. Esto es parte de un esfuerzo más amplio para garantizar que nadie se quede atrás y que todos tengan acceso a la asistencia financiera que necesitan.

En conclusión, tenemos mucho que esperar en los próximos meses. La presidenta electa Sheinbaum y el secretario Montiel Reyes están comprometidos a continuar y expandir los programas sociales que inició el presidente López Obrador. Habrá nuevas iniciativas para adultos mayores, madres trabajadoras y personas con discapacidad, así como un mayor apoyo para adultos mayores más jóvenes y pagos adicionales para los participantes del programa Jóvenes Construyendo el Futuro.

Una vez más, gracias por acompañarme hoy. No olvides suscribirte para estar al día de las últimas novedades sobre los pagos de asistencia social, las nuevas

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